
Microeconomics | 2:a upplagan

av Frank A. Cowell och

Köp begagnad bok

Köp ny bok


Förlag Oxford University Press
Språk Engelska
Bandtyp Häftad
Utgiven 2018-04-12
Upplaga 2
Fler upplagor 2006/1
ISBN 9780198804093
Kategori(er) Ekonomi & management
 ↳ Mikroekonomi
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Complete mathematical support and numerous real-world examples make this the only text to provide an accessible and engaging overview of microeconomics, without compromising on the technical level. Examples are linked through each individual chapter and throughout the book to enable students to build understanding as they work through each chapter, and then apply what they have learned to other areas of microeconomics. A range of learning features, including mini-problems, theorems, definitions, and end-of-chapter exercises, complement the examples to help students to master advanced principles and techniques. Microeconomics is supported by a range of online resources, including: For registered adopters of the book: * Worked solutions to selected exercises in the book which can be distributed to students to illustrate the steps followed to complete the exercises * Figures from the book: available to download for use in lectures * A complete set of customizable PowerPoint slides to use as the basis for lectures, or as hand-outs in class * A solutions manual for all of the exercises in the book * Figures to accompany the solutions manual

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