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Renewable Energy | 2:a upplagan

av Godfrey Boyle

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Förlag Oxford University Press
Språk Engelska
Bandtyp Häftad
Utgiven 2004-03-11
Upplaga 2
Fler upplagor 2012/3, 2017/4
Antal sidor 452
ISBN 9780199261789
Kategori(er) Naturvetenskap & teknik
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The prospect of producing clean, sustainable power in substantial quantities from renewable energy sources is now arousing interest world-wide, stimulated by recent technological developments that have improved the cost-effectiveness of many of the 'renewables' and by increasing concern over the environmental impact and sustainability of conventional fossil and nuclear fuel use. This book provides a comprehensive overview of the principal renewable energy sources including: Solar thermal; Photovoltaics; Bio-energy; Hydro; Tidal; Wind; Wave and Geothermal. With the aid of over 350 detailed illustrations, more than 50 tables of data and a wide range of case studies it explains, for each source, the underlying physical and technological principles, and examines its environmental impact and future prospects. The overall approach is interdisciplinary, covering the economic, social, and environmental policy issues raised by renewable energy as well as the physical and engineering aspects. The book will therefore appeal strongly to non-specialist readers who wish to improve their understanding of this complex, fascinating and increasingly important subject.New to this edition are, full color designs, updated to reflect developments in technology, policy and attitudes. It is complemented by a new book on traditional sources of energy, "Energy Systems and Sustainability", edited by Godfrey Boyle, Bob Everett and Janet Ramage of the Open University.

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