
Constitutional Courts and Democratic Values

av Victor Ferreres Comella

Köp begagnad bok

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Språk Engelska
Bandtyp Häftad
Utgiven 2009-11-01
Antal sidor 256
ISBN 9780300148671
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In this book, Victor Ferreres Comella contrasts the European 'centralized' constitutional court model, in which one court system is used to adjudicate constitutional questions, with a decentralized model, such as that of the United States, in which courts deal with both constitutional and non-constitutional questions. Comella's systematic exploration of the reasons for and against the creation of constitutional courts is rich in detail and offers an ambitious theory to justify the European preference for them. Based on extensive research on eighteen European countries, Comella finds that centralized review fits well with the civil law tradition and structures of ordinary adjudication in those countries. Comella concludes that - while the decentralized model works for the United States - there is more than one way to preserve democratic values and that these values are best preserved in the parliamentary democracies of Europe through constitutional courts.

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