
Ecotourism | 5:e upplagan

av David A. Fennell

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Förlag Taylor & Francis Ltd
Språk Engelska
Bandtyp Häftad
Utgiven 2020-05-06
Upplaga 5
Fler upplagor 2007/3, 2014/4, 2008/0, 2020/5
Antal sidor 382
ISBN 9780367364601
Kategori(er) Ekonomi & management
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The new fifth edition of Ecotourism focuses on an array of economic, social and ecological inconsistencies that continue to plague ecotourism in theory and practice, and examines the sector in reference to other related forms of tourism, impacts, conservation, sustainability, education and interpretation, policy and governance, and the ethical imperative of ecotourism as these apply to the worlds greenest form of tourism. Building on the success of prior editions, the text has been revised throughout to incorporate recent research, including ecotourism taking place in under-represented world regions. It includes new case studies on important themes in research and practice as well as learning objectives in each chapter. David Fennell provides an authoritative and comprehensive review of the most important issues, including climate change and UN Sustainable Development Goals. Ecotourism continues to be embraced as the antithesis of mass tourism because of its promise of achieving sustainability through conservation mindedness, community development, education and learning, and the promotion of nature-based activities that are sensitive to both ecological and social systems. The book debates to what extent this promise has been realised. An essential reference for those interested in ecotourism, the book is accessible to students, but retains the depth required for use by researchers and practitioners in the field. This book will be of interest to students across a range of disciplines including geography, economics, business, ethics, biology, and environmental studies.
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