
Psychological Insights for Understanding COVID-19 and Work | 1:a upplagan

av Cary Cooper

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Förlag Taylor & Francis Ltd
Språk Engelska
Bandtyp Inbunden
Utgiven 2020-12-01
Upplaga 1
Fler upplagor 2020/1
Antal sidor 192
ISBN 9780367636098
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In the Psychological Insights for Understanding COVID-19 series, international experts introduce important themes in psychological science that engage with people’s unprecedented experience of the pandemic, drawing together chapters as they originally appeared before COVID-19 descended on the world. This timely and accessible book brings together a selection of chapters offering insights into issues surrounding work and the Covid-19 pandemic. Featuring content on topics such as health and wellbeing, work-family, flexible hours, organisational communication, talent management, recovery from work, employee engagement and flourishing, burnout, and organisational interventions, the book includes a specially written introduction contextualising the chapters in relation to the Covid-19 crisis. Reflecting on how psychological research is relevant during a significant global event, the introduction examines the potential future impact of the pandemic on the practice and study of psychology and our lives more generally. Featuring theory and research on key topics germane to the global pandemic, the Psychological Insights for Understanding COVID-19 series offers thought-provoking reading for professionals, students, academics and policy makers concerned with the psychological consequences of COVID-19 for individuals, families and society.
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