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The Arabic Language

av Kees Versteegh

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Förlag Macmillan Distribution
Språk Engelska
Bandtyp Häftad
Utgiven 2001-04-12
Fler upplagor 2014/0
Antal sidor 288
ISBN 9780748614363
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This general introduction to the Arabic Language, now available in paperback, places special emphasis on the history and variation of the language. Concentrating on the difference between the two types of Arabic - the Classical standard language and the dialects - Kees Versteegh charts the history and development of the Arabic language from the earliest beginnings to modern times. The reader is offered a solid grounding in the structure of the language, its historical context and its use in various literary and non-literary genres, as well as an understanding of the role of Arabic as a cultural, religious and political world language. Intended as an introductory guide for students of Arabic, it will also be a useful tool for discussions both from a historical linguistic and from a socio-linguistic perspective. Coverage includes all aspects of the history of Arabic, the Arabic linguistic tradition, Arabic dialects and Arabic as a world language. Links are made between linguistic history and cultural history, while the author emphasises the role of contacts between Arabic and other languages.This important book will be an ideal text for all those wishing to acquire an understanding or develop their knowledge of the Arabic language. Key Features: * A general introduction to the Arabic language * Accessible and effective communication of information * Impeccably documented * Updated guide to further reading * User-friendly index
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