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Focus Groups | 2:a upplagan

av David W. Stewart och Prem N. Shamdasani

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Språk Engelska
Utgiven 2006-09-01
Upplaga 2
Fler upplagor 2014/3
Antal sidor 200
ISBN 9780761925835
Lägg i varukorgen


Group interviews are among the most common methods of research in the social sciences. Focus Groups: Theory and Practice, Second Edition provides a systematic treatment of the design, conduct, and interpretation of focus group discussions within the context of social science research and theory. The book examines every facet of focus group research, from selection and recruitment of group participants, to the selection of a moderator, to conduct of the interviews, through the analysis of focus group data. Also included are discussions on designing the interview guide, the importance and influence of group composition, the art of conducting the focus group, and the characteristics of effective moderators. The book is intended as a useful guide for research practitioners and as a supplementary text for research courses in psychology, sociology, political science, organization studies, marketing, public health, communications, education and social work.Key Features: - coverage of the use of new technologies in focus group research new focus on global research instructional aids such as a chapter summary, review questions and practical skill-building exercises in each chapter - a new chapter that provides a historical perspective on the development of focus groups including their roots in early group therapy research new, updated examples of the uses of focus groups - a discussion of the use of information technology for conducing groups on-line and by video-conference new methods for the analysis of focus group data
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