
Tartans : Abbotsford to Fraser

av William H. Johnston

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Förlag Schiffer Publishing
Språk Engelska
Bandtyp Häftad
Utgiven 1999-09-29
ISBN 9780764309618
Kategori(er) Ekonomi & management
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Rich in history and valor, the multicolored woven art known as "tartan" is centuries old but has been codified only since the late eighteenth century. Conjuring images of kilted warriors and lively bagpipes, tartan has survived hundreds of years to become the very fabric of the Scottish nation--as popular today as in years past. "All Scots are color coded," it is said, and in this third of three alphabetically arranged volumes you will find over 400 examples of vividly striped tartans covering the names MacNichol to Yukon. "What are my colors?" is the most frequently asked question of the International Association of Tartan Studies, and chances are you will find them in this beautifully illustrated book. Compiled from the nearly 5,000 tartans in the Association's database and selected by two leading authorities, this outstanding assortment ranges from the simplest to the most complex. Includes brief historical background, definitions of related terms, and thread counts for the tartan weaver. An invaluable resource for families, clubs, historians, and designers.
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