
Warrior As Healer : A Martial Arts Herbal for Power, Fitness, and Focus

av Thomas Joiner

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Förlag Healing Arts Press
Språk Engelska
Bandtyp Häftad
Utgiven 1999-06-01
Antal sidor 144
ISBN 9780892817962
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A comprehensive and easy-to-use guide to the herbal formulas traditionally used in martial arts for healing injuries, increasing vitality, and focusing meditation. - Complete instructions for preparing your own decoctions, medicinal wines, pills, and salves. Traditional Chinese marital arts training placed as much emphasis on nurturing the spirit as it did on the fighting ability of the aspiring martial arts student. This extended to the study of the healing arts and the use of herbs not only for injury management but also to increase sensitivity, improve energy levels, and, most significantly, raise consciousness. Many of the greatest figures in martial arts history were as renowned as healers as they were as warriors. This history has left behind an extensive healing tradition that includes an immense repository of herbal formulas. Thomas Joiner provides the recipes and formulas that have been used for centuries to stop bleeding, speed the healing of fractured bones, and increase vitality as well as those that increase one's ability to focus and calm the mind or spirit. The book includes an extensive list of mail-order suppliers for the rarer ingredients used in these formulas.
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