
How the Child's Mind Develops | 3:e upplagan

av David Cohen

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Förlag Taylor & Francis Ltd
Språk Engelska
Bandtyp Inbunden
Utgiven 2017-11-22
Upplaga 3
Fler upplagor 2017/3
Antal sidor 214
ISBN 9781138707528
Kategori(er) Pedagogik & psykologi
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How do we get from helpless baby to knowing teenager? What impact do television, computers and iPads, the internet, video games and evolving technology have on the way children's minds develop? Is cognition a question of learning and environment or of heredity? How we learn to think, perceive, remember, talk, reason and learn is a central topic in psychology - and one that sees constant new research. In this very readable book, David Cohen discusses the latest studies and covers all the controversies that have dogged the subject for nearly 150 years. He examines the work of the 'greats' like Piaget, Freud and Vygotsky and shows how the issues that have intrigued psychologists relate to any child growing up today. This book is for everyone who lives with, works with or studies children. David Cohen examines the fundamental issues of how children learn to read and write, of how their intellectual abilities are measured and the development of their morality. He examines child crime and looks at how modern media affect the way the child's mind develops. This fully updated new edition of How the Child's Mind Develops, which incorporates new extracts from a mother’s weekly diary, is an integrated and thought-provoking account of the central issues in child development. Parents, professionals and students will find it an invaluable introduction.
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