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Digital Media and Society | 1:a upplagan

av Simon Lindgren

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Förlag SAGE Publications Ltd
Språk Engelska
Bandtyp Häftad
Utgiven 2017-06-05
Upplaga 1
Fler upplagor 2017/1
Antal sidor 328
ISBN 9781473925014
Kategori(er) Pedagogik & psykologi
 ↳ Pedagogik
Språk & ordböcker
 ↳ Lingvistik
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What can flame-throwing squirrels tell us about human emotion? Can social media empower political activism? How has the internet changed the way we form our identities? Do algorithms have a social role?

What is digital society?

In the early 21st century, digital media and the social have become irreversibly intertwined. In this cutting-edge introduction, author Simon Lindgren explores what it means to live in a digital society. Neatly divided into three sections, Digital Media and Society expertly leads students through:

  • Theories: from social media and cyber-optimism, to online social interaction and social change
  • Topics: from emotion, participation and the public sphere, to the impact of data, software and mobile technology
  • Tools: from digital ethnography, social network analysis and text-mining, to guidance on digital ethics and mixing methods

With succinct explanations of key concepts and theories, practical exercises to aid understanding and application, and suggested further reading sections to guide students through the literature and enhance their own research, this is a must-have resource for all students of the digital society.

Digital Media and Society
 is essential reading for undergraduate and postgraduate courses exploring digital media, social media, media and society, media sociology, and the Internet.

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