
Complete Book Of Traditional Reiki: Practical Methods For Personal & Planetary Healing (O)

av Amy Z Rowland

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Förlag Healing Arts Press
Språk Engelska
Bandtyp Häftad
Utgiven 2010-07-29
Antal sidor 272
ISBN 9781594773518
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Reiki practitioners direct universal energy into the physical body through hands-on and energy-field healing to support the client in recovering health and reclaiming well-being. An easy-to-learn form of energy medicine, Reiki is becoming commonplace in such conventional settings as hospitals, hospices and psychotherapy practices because it relaxes, relieves stress, reduces and eliminates pain, accelerates healing and helps support the gentle restoration of the body's natural balance. It is a unique healing art in that it can be learned by anyone, with no special knowledge of anatomy needed. THE COMPLETE BOOK OF TRADITIONAL REIKI takes the reader step by step through a traditional Reiki level I class. It discusses Reiki's origins and purpose, describes the attunement process by which a student is imbued with the power to channel life-force energy and gives complete instructions for the basic and advanced healing hand positions. The first book to serve as a teaching manual, an extensive reference work for students and compelling reading for those considering taking a Reiki class, this updated edition includes new information on the history of Reiki and the Reiki principles and features never-before-published photographs and a translation of the Usi Memorial in Japan, a tribute to the founder of Usui Reiki.
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