
Painting The Energy Body : Signs and Symbols for Vibrational Healing

av Petra Neumayer och Roswitha Stark

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Förlag Healing Arts Press
Språk Engelska
Bandtyp Häftad
Utgiven 2013-07-31
Antal sidor 160
ISBN 9781594774805
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Geometric symbols and signs have been drawn on the body to enhance strength and courage and stimulate the body's powers of self-healing since prehistoric times - the most ancient evidence being the 5,000-year-old iceman “Ötzi,” found in the Alps in 1991 who had symbols tattooed over his arthritic joints. Found in indigenous societies around the globe, symbols on the body - whether drawn, painted or tattooed - act as energy antennae, triggering healing impulses in the energy body and meridian system. Exploring several simple methods of working with symbols for physical, emotional and spiritual healing, Petra Neumayer and Roswitha Stark illustrate the key symbols used in this practice and reveal how to select the proper symbol or symbols for your condition. They explain how to use these signs directly on areas of pain and injury - from mosquito bites to eczema - for quick relief, on bandages to speed healing and on acupressure points and meridians to treat more complex conditions. They explore the use of symbols to reduce scar tissue, counteract electromagnetic pollution, balance the chakras and cleanse toxins from the body. The authors explain how, like homoeopathic remedies, symbols transfer information through energetic vibration and morphic fields - the resonance between all living things, past and present, discovered by Cambridge biologist, Rupert Sheldrake. They detail how to transfer the energy of a symbol to water, food, jewellry or stones for long-term treatment and prevention. They, also, show how to heal animals and plants with symbols. Bringing together traditional Chinese medicine, quantum physics, dowsing and homoeopathy, this new yet ancient practice harnesses the power of symbols to initiate healing at the very foundation of our energetic being. · Explains how to make symbols directly on areas of pain for quick relief, on bandages to speed healing and on acupressure points for energy and emotional work · Explores the use of symbols to reduce scar tissue, counteract electromagnetic pollution, balance the chakras and cleanse toxins from the body · Details how to transfer the energy of a symbol to water, food, jewellry or stones for long-term treatment and prevention
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