
Self-Healing With Breathwork : Using the Power of Breath to Increase Energy and Attain Optimal Wellness

av Jack Angelo

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Förlag Healing Arts Press
Språk Engelska
Bandtyp Häftad
Utgiven 2012-10-09
Antal sidor 208
ISBN 9781594774812
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All effective healing begins with the breath, for our breath carries life force into our bodies. By becoming aware of our breathing, we can refine our receptivity to subtle energies for both self-healing and healing others and recognise our connection to all other living, breathing beings on Earth. Providing 57 conscious breathing and visualisation practices, Jack Angelo shows how breathwork can relieve stress and anxiety, improve sleep and digestion, increase creativity and mental focus, promote emotional calm, boost energy levels, enhance meditation, clear negative energy and provide support for physical healing. He explains how to use breathwork to commune with the elements and the sacred as well as how to train your voice for more effective chanting and prayer. He shows how, through conscious breathing, we can harness the healing life force available in each breath for energetic balance, heightened consciousness and overall wellness as well as a deeper connection to the sacred source of all life. Conscious breathing practices for health, healing and connecting with the sacred • Provides 57 conscious breathing and visualisation practices • Shows how awareness of the breath can relieve stress and anxiety, improve sleep and digestion, increase creativity and mental focus, promote emotional calm, boost energy levels, clear negative energy and provide support for physical healing • Explains how to use breathwork to commune with the elements and the sacred as well as how to train your voice for more effective chanting and prayer 15 black and white illustrations
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