
Loopa - A business development method for entrepreneurs | 1:a upplagan

av Anna Lärk Ståhlberg och Mariah ben Salem Dynehäll

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Förlag Lördag Morgon Medieproduktion
Språk Engelska
Bandtyp Flexband
Utgiven 2015-08-27
Upplaga 1
Antal sidor 167
ISBN 9789187905254
Kategori(er) Entreprenörskap & inspiration
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Do you have a business idea? If so then this handbook will help you turn it into a success! How do I know if my idea is good enough? How do I take the first step? How do I create interest among my target group? These are the types of questions that often cause an entrepreneur concern. With this book we aim to help you find the answers by guiding you all the way from inception to realisationregardless of the nature of your business idea, what industry it involves, whether it concerns a product, service or concept, whether your idea is new or needs to be developed, and whether you are looking to realise your idea commercially or on a non-profit basis. This book does not pretend to have all the answers. Instead it presents you with a method for developing your idea and running your businesstogether with your target group. We call this method LOOPA, and it is based on the concept of looping. Business development is not about formulating fancy plans or producing sets of accounts; the challenge lies in optimising the customer value, and to do that you need to develop your idea in dialogue with your customers. In this way you will significantly reduce the start-up time for your business. This book shows you how and provides you with many valuable tips, concrete tools and useful exercises. It also includes numerous practical examples in which you will meet other entrepreneurs who have already gotten started with their businesses. LOOPA: A business development method for entrepreneurs is not a book to be kept in your bookcase. Instead you should view it as your mobile coach on the path to a successful business of your own. The journey ahead will develop and strengthen you as an entrepreneur, but it is also very demanding. We have written the booknow it is up to you to see your idea through to realisation!

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