
All You Need to Know About the Music Business | 8:e upplagan

av Donald S. Passman

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Förlag Penguin UK
Språk Engelska
Bandtyp Pocket
Utgiven 2014-11-06
Upplaga 8
Fler upplagor
Antal sidor 544
ISBN 9780241001639
Kategori(er) Entreprenörskap & inspiration
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All You Need To Know About The Music Business - The new edition of 'the industry bible' (Los Angeles Times) by Donald S. Passman. No one understands the music business and the changes it has undergone in recent years better than LA lawyer Donald Passman. For 20 years his book has offered detailed advice to artists and executives, novices and experts alike on how to thrive in these volatile times. This completely revised edition sets out recent developments in record deals, copyright, new technologies and film music. It also offers unique advice on how to navigate your way through the ins and outs of songwriting, music publishing, merchandising and performing. Whether you're a newcomer or an established professional, All You Need to Know about the Music Business is an essential companion. It will also be loved by readers of The Music Business and How Music Works by David Byrne. "The definitive text on the business of music written by the man the most talented artists in the world look to for advice". (Ron Rubin, co-head of Columbia Records). "Should be required reading for anyone planning or enduring a career in the biz". (Rolling Stone).Donald Passman is a graduate of the University of Texas and the Harvard Law School. For many years he has practised law with the LA firm of Gang, Tyre, Ramer and Brown, where he specializes in the music and film industries. He represents many famous music clients. He lives in LA with his wife and four children, and plays guitar and five-string banjo.

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