
Strategic Market Management: Global Perspectives | 1:a upplagan

av Damien McLoughlin

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Förlag John Wiley And Sons Ltd
Språk Engelska
Bandtyp Häftad
Utgiven 2010-03-31
Upplaga 1
Antal sidor 416
ISBN 9780470689752
Kategori(er) Ekonomi & management
 ↳ Ledarskap & organisering
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Developing and implementing strategies is now very different than it was only a few decades ago, when the business environments were more stable and simpler. Every market can now be described as dynamic. As a result, firms need to be able to adapt strategies in order to stay relevant. It is a challenging but exciting time, full of opportunities as well as threats. Strategic Market Management: Global Perspectives is motivated by the strategic challenges created by the dynamic nature of markets. The premise is that all traditional strategic management tools either do not apply or need to be adapted to a more dynamic context. The unique aspects of the book are its inclusion of: * A business strategy definition that includes product/market scope, value proposition, and assets and competences.* A structured strategic analysis including a detailed customer, competitor, market, and environmental analysis leading to understanding of market dynamics that is supported by a summary flow diagram, a set of agendas to help start the process, and a set of planning forms.* Concepts of strategic commitment, opportunism, and adaptability and how they can and should be blended together.* Bases of a value proposition and strong brands. A strategy without a compelling value proposition will not be market driven or successful. Brand assets that will support a business strategy need to be developed.* Creating synergetic marketing with silo organizations defined by products or countries. All organizations have multiple products and markets and creating cooperation and communication instead of competition and isolation is becoming an imperative. This book is essential reading for students on strategy and marketing courses at undergraduate level as well as MBA. There will be a website accompanying the book PowerPoint presentations and a set of lecture suggestions for each chapter; a test bank; several course outlines, and additional case studies. (Bookdata)

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