av Nigel Hewlett och Janet Beck
Förlag | Lawrence Erlbaum Associates Inc |
Språk | Engelska |
Bandtyp | Häftad |
Utgiven | 2006-07-04 |
Antal sidor | 360 |
ISBN | 9780805856729 |
Kategori(er) |
Medicin, vård & fysiologi ↳ Audiologi |
There are virtually no texts available that contain coverage of phonetics, speech acoustics, speech production, and hearing. The authors have designed courses in which they have taught these elements together. The Speech and Hearing Sciences need to be integrated for a full understanding of Phonetic Science, and generations of students have benefited from this approach. Though the audience for this book will be mainly students in the Speech Sciences, it will also be valuable to any students studying hearing science and acoustics. They book is well supported with figures, tables, and practice boxes with experiments.
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