
Victimology : Research, Policy and Activism | 1:a upplagan

av Pamela Davies och Jacki Tapley

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Förlag Springer Nature
Språk Engelska
Bandtyp Häftad
Utgiven 2020-07-21
Upplaga 1
Antal sidor 408
ISBN 9783030422875
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This book explores what victimology, as both an academic discipline and an activist movement, has achieved since its initial conception in the 1940s, from a variety of experts’ perspectives. Focussing on nine, dynamic and contemporary case studies covering topics like violence against women and girls, bereaved family activism, and environmental victims and climate change activists, each chapter critically examines how different crime victims have been politicised and explores the impact of victim-centred reforms upon criminal justice professional cultures. This book comprehensively and critically examines the historical, social and political factors, including the work of activists, that have shaped the development of theories, policies and reforms in this field, including how victimhood has come to be understood and responded to. The chapters also consider the future developments of this area, including how digital technologies are creating new forms and experiences of victimisation. Speaking to undergraduates, postgraduates and professionals in criminal justice and third sector organisations, this book discusses the links between theory, policy and professional practice and how they contribute to and facilitate debates regarding what the role of crime victims is in a 21st century criminal justice system. 

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