
Howls moving castle

av Diana Wynne Jones

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Förlag Harper Collins UK
Språk Engelska
Bandtyp Pocket
Utgiven 2008-11-29
Antal sidor 304
ISBN 9780007299263
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In this beloved modern classic, young Sophie Hatter from the land of Ingary catches the unwelcome attention of the Witch of the Waste and is put under a spell

Deciding she has nothing more to lose, Sophie makes her way to the moving castle that hovers on the hills above her town, Market Chipping. But the castle belongs to the dreaded Wizard Howl, whose appetite, they say, is satisfied only by the souls of young girls

There Sophie meets Michael, Howl's apprentice, and Calcifer the fire demon, with whom she agrees a pact. Her entanglements with Calcifer, Howl and Michael and her quest to break her curse come alive with Diana Wynne Jones's unique combination of magic, humour and imagination. We Say

As a kid I struggled with my reading and writing but this book drew me in with its beautiful storytelling, depth and rich characters, whom I quickly fell in love with. It was one of the first books I read and I regularly recommend it for readers both young and old. Phillip

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