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Classical Dynamics of Particles and Systems | 4:e upplagan

av Jerry B. Marion

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Språk Engelska
Bandtyp Häftad
Utgiven 1995
Upplaga 4
Fler upplagor 2007/5, 2012/5
Antal sidor 638
ISBN 9780030973024
Kategori(er) Naturvetenskap & teknik
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This best-selling classical mechanics text, written for the advanced undergraduate course, provides a complete account of the classical mechanics of particles, systems of particles, and rigid bodies. The author makes extensive use of vector calculus to explore topics and also includes the Langrangian formulation of mechanics. Modern notation and terminology are used throughout in support of the text's objective: to facilitate the transition to the quantum theory of physics. Features: * Many numerical calculation examples and end-of-chapter problems clearly demonstrate how to set-up and work out problems, and enhance mathematics training for physics majors. * To reinforce previously learned material, the author has based the text on Newtonian mechanics. * Ongoing emphasis is placed on mathematics with the introduction of new mathematical techniques whenever possible and ample opportunities to practice these techniques. * Chaos, a topic not generally available in comparable texts, is introduced in Chapter 4. * The author focuses on connections to modern physics keeping in mind student needs for learning quantum mechanics and relativity.New to this edition: * New Chapter 4 provides new chaos materials and expands on the nonlinear material in the third edition. * This edition features additional numerical calculation examples, a revision based largely on comments from instructors and students who used the previous edition. The use of abundant numerical calculation examples distinguishes this text from others currently available.

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