
Leaning into Six Sigma

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Språk Engelska
Bandtyp Häftad
Utgiven 2003-04-01
Antal sidor 120
ISBN 9780071414326
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Reading this tale could result in effective change occurring in your organization! This is the book you will want everyone in your company to read before you start your Lean Six Sigma deployment. Written by professionals who have successfully rolled out Lean Six Sigma in numerous organizations, "Leaning Into Six Sigma" uses a fast-paced business novel format to explain how to combine today's two leading improvement methodologies - Lean Enterprise and Six Sigma - for dramatically improved quality and cycle times.The book tells the tale of a company in crisis that had to improve to stay in business - and how management and employees came to understand and implement a Lean Six Sigma initiative, facing challenges along the way. The story is designed to introduce everyone in an organization to problem-solving strategies that get rid of excess inventory, speed up processes, and improve quality at all levels.Using simple language, the authors help you grasp the basic quality concepts of Lean Six Sigma, including: the 5 S's - Sifting, Sorting, Sweeping and Washing, Spic and Span, and Self-Discipline MAIC (Measure, Analyze, Improve, Control); DOE (Design of Experiments); ANOVA (Analysis of Variance). Help your organization understand the need for change and begin to implement it by leaning into Six Sigma.
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