
Manufacturing, Planning and Control

av Patrik Jonsson och Stig-Arne Mattson

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Förlag McGraw-Hill Higher Education
Språk Engelska
Bandtyp Häftad
Utgiven 2009-02-01
Fler upplagor
Antal sidor 552
ISBN 9780077117399
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"Manufacturing Planning and Control" is written by Patrik Jonsson and Stig-Arne Mattsson. It takes a comprehensive look at manufacturing planning and control from the manufacturing company's perspective but the focus is both on the intra-organisational system and on the supply chain as a whole. With its unique focus on understanding the characteristics of planning processes, methods and techniques and how to design and use processes, methods and techniques in various planning environments, this book has an important relevance from an applied industry point of view. It provides you with knowledge and guidelines on how to develop the planning environment, and how to design and use planning processes and methods efficiently and effectively in operational practice. This book is an important learning tool for undergraduates and postgraduates and will help them develop an understand of manufacturing planning and control that goes beyond statistics and calculation, and provides knowledge and frameworks for designing planning processes in different industrial environments. It supports all modules on APICS' CPIM certification program.The key features: problems, exercises examples - many of the chapters feature problems and exercises to help explain concepts, examples of how methods and concepts are used in practice are integrated throughout the text; discussion tasks - this feature encourages you to review and apply the knowledge you have acquired from each chapter; cases and discussion questions - end of chapter cases illustrate current practice and key concepts defined and described in the book. Each case is followed by a set of questions to help you critically apply your understanding and further develop some of the topics introduced to you. Patrik Jonsson is Professor of operations and supply chain management at Chalmers University of Technology, Sweden. Stig-Arne Mattsson has 30 years of industry experience in operations management, supply chain management and information systems. He has also been Adjunct Professor in supply chain management, first at Vaxjo University and later at Lund University.

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