
Food and Beverage Management | 5:e upplagan

av Peter Alcott

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Förlag Butterworth-Heinemann Ltd
Språk Engelska
Bandtyp Pocket
Utgiven 2012-02-01
Upplaga 5
Antal sidor 416
ISBN 9780080966700
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This introductory textbook provides a thorough guide to the management of food and beverage outlets, from their day-to-day running through to the wider concerns of the hospitality industry. It explores the broad range of subject areas that encompass the food and beverage market and its five main sectors - fast food and popular catering, hotels and quality restaurants and functional, industrial, and welfare catering. New to this edition are: Case studies covering the latest industry developments within a wide range of businesses from the UK, the USA and worldwide to help you understand how these ideas work in practice Coverage of contemporary environmental concerns, such as sourcing, sustainability and responsible farming.Issues of how to maintain financial control of a business, handling staff and how to market your operation before discussing ways in which you can deliver quality to the customer It looks at some of the trends affecting the food and beverage industry covering consumers, the environment, ethical concerns as well as developments in technology Updated companion website including case studies, multiple choice questions, PowerPoint slides, revision notes, true or false questions, short answer questions at It is illustrated in full colour and contains end-of-chapter summaries and revision questions to test the readers' knowledge as they progress. Written by authors with many years of industry practice and teaching experience, this book is the ideal guide to the subject for hospitality students and industry practitioners alike.
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