
Laboratory Experiments in the Social Sciences

av Jane Sell

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Förlag Förlagssystem bokimporten
Språk Engelska
Bandtyp Inbunden
Utgiven 2014-07-08
ISBN 9780124046818
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While there are many books available on statistical analysis of data from experiments, there is significantly less available on the design, development, and actual conduct of the experiments. Laboratory Experiments in the Social Sciences summarizes how to design and conduct scientifically sound experiments, be they from surveys, interviews, observations, or experimental methods. The book encompasses how to collect reliable data, the appropriate uses of different methods, and how to avoid or resolve common problems in experimental research. Case study examples illustrate how multiple methods can be used to answer the same research questions and what kinds of outcome would result from each methodology. Sound data begins with effective data collection. This book will assist students and professionals alike in sociology, marketing, political science, anthropology, economics, and psychology.* Provides a comprehensive summary of issues in social science experimentation, from ethics to design, management, and financing* Offers "how-to" explanations of the problems and challenges faced by everyone involved in social science experiments* Pays attention to both practical problems and to theoretical and philosophical arguments* Defines commonalities and distinctions within and among experimental situations across the social sciences
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