
The Penguin Book of Myths and Legends of Ancient Egypt

av Joyce Tyldesley

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Förlag Penguin UK
Språk Engelska
Bandtyp Pocket
Utgiven 2011-08-04
Antal sidor 400
ISBN 9780141021768
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"This readable anthology is a good introduction to a civilization that fascinates like few others this book, there are animals who talk, princesses who are locked up at the top of towers, wicked stepmothers and many other themes ...An enjoyable book by a skilled author". - "Financial Times". The civilization we know as Ancient Egypt stretched over three thousand years. What was life like for ancient Egyptians? What were their beliefs - and how different were they from ours? "Myths and Legends of Ancient Egypt" uses Egypt's vivid narratives to create a panorama of its history, from the earliest settlers to the time of Cleopatra. Gathered from pyramid texts, archaeological finds and contemporary documents, these stories cover everything from why the Nile flooded annually to Egyptian beliefs about childbirth and what happened after death. They show us what life was really like for rich and poor, man and woman, farmer and pharaoh. "Myths and Legends of Ancient Egypt" brings a long-dead culture back to life.
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