
Go-Givers Sell More

av John David Mann

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Förlag Penguin UK
Språk Engelska
Bandtyp Pocket
Utgiven 2010-02-25
Antal sidor 208
ISBN 9780141049588
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This is the sequel to the international bestseller "The Go-Giver", applying its inspirational approach to real-world challenges. "The Go-Giver" took the business world by storm with its message that giving is the simplest, most fulfilling, and most effective path to success. It has inspired hundreds of thousands of readers; but some have wondered how the story's lessons stand up to the tough challenges of everyday, real-world business. Bob Burg and John David Mann answer that question in "Go-Givers Sell More", a practical guide that turns giving into the cornerstone of a powerful and effective approach to selling. Most of us think of sales as a struggle to make people do something they don't really want to do. But that cut-throat mentality makes the process much harder than it has to be - especially in an economic downturn when customers are more suspicious and defensive than ever. It's far more effective (and satisfying) when salespeople think like Go-Givers and focus on creating value for the customer. Cultivate a trusting relationship and provide outstanding service, and great results will follow automatically.Illustrating their points with a wide range of real-life examples, Burg and Mann offer tips and strategies that anyone in sales can start applying right away.
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