
Revisiting the Arab Uprisings : The Politics of a Revolutionary Moment

av Jean-Pierre Filiu och Stephane Lacroix

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Förlag Oxford University Press
Språk Engelska
Bandtyp Häftad
Utgiven 2019
Antal sidor 288
ISBN 9780190876081
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Since 2013, the Middle East has experienced a double trend of chaos and civil war, on the one hand, and the return of authoritarianism, on the other. That convergence has eclipsed the political transitions that occurred in the countries whose regimes were toppled in 2011, as if they were merely footnotes to a narrative that naturally led from an "Arab Spring" to an "Arab Winter".
This volume aims at rehabilitating those transitions, by considering them as expressions of a "revolutionary moment" whose outcome was never pre-determined, but depended on the choices of a large range of actors. It brings together leading scholars of Arab politics to adopt a comparative approach to a few crucial aspects of those transitions: constitutional debates, the question of transitional justice, the evolution of civil-military relations, and the role of specific actors, both domestic and international.

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