
The Politics of the Earth : Environmental discourses

av John S. Dryzek

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Språk Engelska
Bandtyp Häftad
Utgiven 2021-12-01
ISBN 9780198851745
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Written by an internationally recognised expert in the field, The Politics of the Earth provides an authoritative and engaging introduction to environmental politics through a unique, discourse-centred approach. With his lively and accessible writing style, John S. Dryzek analyses how we construct and interpret the environment through language, guiding the reader through the discourses that dominate this arena, including ecological limits, sustainability and green radicalism. The fourth edition has been thoroughly updated to take in key developments in environmental affairs, including an examination of the implications of the Anthropocene concept and need for ecological reflexivity, with updated coverage of the Paris Agreement on climate change and Sustainable Development Goals, weaving in throughout a wealth of contemporary examples to illuminate the discussion. It also contains a ground-breaking new chapter on 'Gray Radicalism', in which the author provides an innovative overview and analysis of this contemporary radical anti-environmental discourse. Students are further supported with added further reading sections and new end-of-chapter discussion questions, which are designed to encourage critical thinking and prompt a deeper engagement with the issues at hand.

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