
Remote Sensing of Vegetation

av Hamlyn G. Jones och Robin A. Vaughan

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Förlag Oxford University Press
Språk Engelska
Bandtyp Pocket
Utgiven 2010-06-10
Antal sidor 353
ISBN 9780199207794
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Remote sensing is becoming an increasingly important tool for agriculturalists, ecologists, and land managers for the study of Earth's agricultural and natural vegetation, and can be applied to further our understanding of key environmental issues, including climate change and ecosystem management. This timely introduction offers an accessible yet rigorous treatment of the basics of remote sensing at all scales, illustrating its practical application to the study of vegetation. Despite a quantitative approach, the advanced mathematics and complex models common in modern remote sensing literature is demystified through clear explanations that emphasise the key underlying principles, and the core physical aspects are explained in the biological context of vegetation and its adaptation to its specific environment. Various techniques and instruments are addressed, making this a valuable source of reference, and the advantages and disadvantages of these are further illustrated through worked examples and case studies.* Rigorous physical and mathematical principles presented in a way readily understood by those without a strong mathematical background * Boxes throughout summarize key information and concepts * The student is directed to carefully chosen further reading articles, allowing them to explore key topics in more detail Online Resource Centre The Online Resource Centre to accompany Remote Sensing of Vegetation features: For Students: * Links to useful websites For lecturers: * Figures from the book in electronic format, ready to download

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