
How to Write Law Essays and Exams | 3:e upplagan

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Förlag Oxford University Press
Språk Engelska
Bandtyp Häftad
Utgiven 2010-03-01
Upplaga 3
Antal sidor 264
ISBN 9780199533572
Kategori(er) Juridik
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How to Write Law Essays and Exams provides law students with a practical and proven method of analysing and answering essay and exam questions. The book focuses on those questions that give students the most trouble, namely problem questions, but its techniques are equally applicable to other types of essays. Designed for law students of all levels, including those on A-level, university, conversion, and vocational courses, the text helps students understand their substantive courses while at the same time teaching vital writing and analytical skills. In addition to providing a framework for analysing and writing law essays, the book teaches students how to identify relevant legal authorities, distinguish and harmonise conflicting legal precedents and evaluate the applicability of the law to the facts of the question at hand. The book also contains specific law-related revision techniques and general writing tips. The tried and tested techniques contained in this book have increased numerous students' understanding and enjoyment of their law courses, while simultaneously improving their marks.

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