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Organizational Behaviour and Work | 3:e upplagan

av Fiona Wilson

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Förlag Oxford University Press
Språk Engelska
Bandtyp Häftad
Utgiven 2010-01-21
Upplaga 3
Fler upplagor 2013/4
Antal sidor 416
ISBN 9780199534883
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Fiona Wilson provides an accessible, critical introduction to organizational behaviour. This engagingly written textbook introduces students to key topics, ideas, and research in OB. Without assuming prior knowledge of the subject, the student is nevertheless encouraged to critically assess and question the traditional approach to the study of organizational life. The text introduces students to both traditional and non-traditional areas of research, acting as a springboard for further research and critical thinking. The range of themes and topics explored provides a rich picture of the realities of organizational life, and of the varied contributions that make up the study of OB. For example, the concept of alienation is discussed in relation to both assembly lines and to call centres, leading into a discussion about the meaning of work. The new edition guides the reader through critical perspectives on classic organizational topics, including new chapters on Personality and Perception. The text also focuses attention on core critical approaches, including power, resistance, and alternative forms of organization.In the Introduction, the reader is also provided with more detail on the different implications of taking a functionalist or critical approach to the study of OB - a theme which also runs throughought the book. The third edition also includes enhanced pedagogy, ensuring that the book is highly accessible. Questions, further reading suggestions and annotated examples of films and novels that illustrate themes and topics from each chapter, help students to interact with the text, and support lecturers in seminar preparation. Stop and Think boxes encourage the reader to engage with and reflect on the text by drawing on their own experiences and perspectives, and numerous and varied examples and cases, drawn from both research and organizational life, bring the text to life and add depth. This is a unique text which simultaneously introduces the reader to key topics in OB, and invites them to think outside the box. The text is accompanied by an Online Resource Centre, which includes: For lecturers: PowerPoint slides Questions for research and discussion Additional case studies Group exercises For students: Flashcard glossary Web links Additional further readings
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