
Lighting for TV and Film | 3:e upplagan

av Gerald Millerson

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Förlag Elsevier
Språk Engelska
Bandtyp Häftad
Utgiven 1999-06-16
Upplaga 3
Fler upplagor
Antal sidor 448
ISBN 9780240515823
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Third edition. Skilful lighting involves a subtle blend of systematic mechanics and a sensitive visual imagination. It requires anticipation, perceptiveness, patience and know-how. But learning through practice alone can take a great deal of time. This book is a distillation of many years' experience, with advice and guidance that will bring successful results right from the start. Whether you are a student studying lighting techniques in the television, video and film media, or a professional lighting for the camera, this book will be an invaluable aid. Other members of the production team, including camera crews, designers and directors, will also find the information here interesting and useful. The book concentrates primarily on the fundamental principles of lighting in studios, on location and display, as well as single-camera, small unit production, improvised and economy lighting, and working with limited facilities. Emphasis is also placed on the safety aspects of working with lighting equipment. Lighting for Television and Film reflects the author's considerable experience of lighting techniques in BBC studios, his teaching and consultancy work. Gerald Millerson's analytical writings spring from a lifetime's personal experience in the medium, and from his teaching and engineering background. During his career with the BBC, he was primarily associated with studio operations in the Television Service. His lecturing background included courses in TV production at a number of American universities. His other books for Focal Press are Television Production, TV Scenic Design, Video Production Handbook and, in the Media Manuals series, Effective TV Production, Lighting for Video and Video Camera Techniques. Contents An introduction; The nature of light; The eye and perception; The principles of lighting; Lighting people; The production process; Lighting on location; Atmospheric lighting; Light sources; Lighting equipment; Colour temperature; Filters; Picture control; Scenery; Visual effects; Safety!; Appendix.
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