
Ways of the World: A Brief Global History (Volume 2)

av Robert W. Strayer

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Språk Engelska
Bandtyp Häftad
Utgiven 2009
Antal sidor 791
ISBN 9780312452896
Kategori(er) Historia & arkeologi
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Ways of the World offers a genuine alternative for world history survey courses. Designed from the beginning as a brief text, Ways of the World focuses on the "big picture" of significant historical developments and is thoroughly global in its thematic and comparative approach. The accessible voice of a single author, with long experience in the classroom and in the world history movement, delivers to students an insightful new synthesis, thought provoking questions, and chapter ending sections that invite reflection on the meaning of world history. Available in full color and in combined and split volumes, Ways of the World just might be the book you’ve been waiting for.

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