
Lean Software Development

av Mary Poppendieck och Tom Poppendieck

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Förlag Pearson Education
Språk Engelska
Bandtyp Häftad
Utgiven 2003-05-28
Antal sidor 240
ISBN 9780321150783
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Foreword by Jim Highsmith.

Foreword by Ken Schwaber.



1. Eliminate Waste.

The Origins of Lean Thinking. Tool 1: Seeing Waste. Partially Done Work. Extra Processes. Extra Features. Task Switching. Waiting. Motion. Defects. Management Activities. Tool 2: Value Stream Mapping. Map Your Value Stream. An Agile Value Stream Map. Try This.

2. Amplify Learning.

The Nature of Software Development. Perspectives on Quality. The Service View of Quality. Quality in Software Development. Variability. Design Cycles. Do It Right the First Time? Learning Cycles. Tool 3: Feedback. Software Development Feedback Loops. Tool 4: Iterations. Iteration Planning. Team Commitment. Convergence. Negotiable Scope. Tool 5: Synchronization. Synch and Stabilize. Spanning Application. Matrix. Tool 6: Set-Based Development. Set-Based Versus Point-Based. Set-Based Software Development. Develop Multiple Options. Communicate Constraints. Let the Solution Emerge. Try This.

3. Decide as Late as Possible.

Concurrent Development. Concurrent Software Development. Cost Escalation. Tool 7: Options Thinking. Delaying Decisions. Options. Microsoft Strategy, circa 1988. Options Thinking in Software Development. Tool 8: The Last Responsible Moment. Tool 9: Making Decisions. Depth-First Versus Breadth-First Problem Solving. Intuitive Decision Making. The Marines. Simple Rules. Simple Rules for Software Development. Try This.

4. Deliver as Fast as Possible.

Why Deliver Fast? Tool 10: Pull Systems. Manufacturing Schedules. Software Development Schedules. Software Pull Systems. Information Radiators. Tool 11: Queuing Theory. Reducing Cycle Time. Steady Rate of Arrival. Steady Rate of Service. Slack. How Queues Work. Tool 12: Cost of Delay. Product Model. Application Model. Tradeoff Decisions. Try This.

5. Empower the Team.

Beyond Scientific Management. CMM. CMMI. Tool 13: Self-Determination. The NUMMI Mystery. A Management Improvement Process. Tool 14: Motivation. Magic at 3M. Purpose. The Building Blocks of Motivation. Belonging. Safety. Competence. Progress. Long Days and Late Nights. Tool 15: Leadership. Leadership. Respected Leaders. Master Developers. The Fuzzy Front End. Where Do Master Developers Come From? Project Management. Tool 16: Expertise. Nucor. Xerox. Communities of Expertise. Standards. Try This.

6. Build Integrity In.

Integrity. Perceived Integrity. Conceptual Integrity. The Key to Integrity. Tool 17: Perceived Integrity. Model-Driven Design. Maintaining Perceived Integrity. Tool 18: Conceptual Integrity. Software Architecture Basics. Emerging Integrity. Tool 19: Refactoring. Keeping Architecture Healthy. Maintaining Conceptual Integrity. Isn't Refactoring Rework? Tool 20: Testing. Communication. Feedback. Scaffolding. As-Built. Maintenance. Try This.

7. See the Whole.

Systems Thinking. Tool 21: Measurements. Local Optimization. Why Do We Suboptimize? Superstition. Habit. Measuring Performance. Information Measurements. Tool 22: Contracts. Can There Be Trust Between Firms? But Software Is Different. The Purpose of Contracts. Fixed-Price Contracts. Time-and-Materials Contracts. Multistage Contracts. Target-Cost Contracts. Target-Schedule Contracts. Shared-Benefit Contracts. The Key: Optional Scope. Try This.

8. Instructions and Warranty.

Caution-Use Only as Directed. Instructions. Sphere of Influence. Large Company. Small Company. Special Work Environments. Troubleshooting Guide. Warranty.


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