
Basic Laboratory Methods for Biotechnology | 2:a upplagan

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Språk Engelska
Bandtyp Spiral
Utgiven 2008-10-01
Upplaga 2
Antal sidor 450
ISBN 9780321570147
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For laboratory courses in Biotechnology. Presented from the perspective of the biotech industry, this laboratory handbook/textbook reference gives a systematic, understandable, and practical introduction to fundamental laboratory methods and provides a foundation upon which students can build a career in the lab. The authors balance background and theory with practical information, drawing material from many sources: analytical chemistry texts, molecular biology manuals, industry standards, government regulations, manufacturer and supplier information, and the useful laboratory a??lorea?? that is part of the industrya??s oral tradition. The Second Edition features two new chapters covering Quality Assays and Tests (Chapters 24 and 25) and a new chapter on Culture Media for Intact Cells (Chapter 30). The authors have made revisions to update the safety chapters, the methods chapters, and have reorganized the units so that the information is presented in an order that mimics a typical class.They have also completely rewritten the Computers and Biotechnology chapters as well as the introductory chapter to more accurately reflect the evolving nature of the biotechnology industry. This new edition also reflects the changes in the field of biotechnology, how profit and other metrics affect research, the pursuit of new ideas, and the implementation of product testing and government approval. 
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