
The Road to the White House 2020 (with Appendix) | 11:e upplagan

av Stephen Wayne

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Förlag Cengage Learning
Språk Engelska
Bandtyp Övrigt
Utgiven 2020-12-18
Upplaga 11
Fler upplagor
ISBN 9780357136058
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If voters are to make intelligent judgments, they need information about the qualities of the candidates, the policies they propose, and the partisan labels they wear. Does our presidential electoral system encourage the most qualified candidates to run? Does it force them to discuss the most important issues, present feasible policy solutions, and talk candidly with the American people? Will the election results accurately reflect the opinions, interests, and needs of the population as a whole? This book addresses these questions in a straight-forward, jargon-free manner. It will provide you with a background on presidential elections and a guide to the 2020 election. The book contains case studies of campaign strategies, descriptive boxes on contemporary election issues, and easy to read tables and figures. In doing so, it illustrates the strengths and weaknesses of electoral democracy in the general and presidential elections in particular. You'll also get insights on changes that have revolutionized contemporary electoral politics in the 21st. century: the flood of money, the ideological polarization of American parties, the digital revolution, foreign interference, and issues relating to the eligibility of voters, the conduct of elections, and the integrity of the voting process itself.
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