
Empowerment Series: Research Methods for Social Work | 9:e upplagan

av Allen Rubin och Earl Babbie

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Förlag Cengage Learning
Språk Engelska
Bandtyp Häftad
Utgiven 2021-10-01
Upplaga 9
Fler upplagor
ISBN 9780357670972
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If you're intimidated by the thought of taking research methods, Rubin and Babbie's classic bestseller can help you overcome the fear factor often associated with this course with its reader-friendly presentation of all aspects of the research endeavor. If you're not intimidated, you'll still appreciate the authors' clear and often humorous writing style as well as the book's depth and breadth of coverage. RESEARCH METHODS FOR SOCIAL WORK, Ninth Edition, strikes an optimal balance of quantitative and qualitative research techniques -- illustrating how the two methods complement one another and can be integrated in the same study. Relevant examples from real-world settings highlight the connections between research and social work practice. Comprehensive, friendly, accurate, and integrating the best of technology, this text is widely considered the best text for the research methods course -- and when you read it, you'll see why.
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