
Power System Analysis and Design, SI Edition

av Mulukutla Sarma

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Förlag Cengage Learning
Språk Engelska
Bandtyp Pocket
Utgiven 2022-06-17
Antal sidor 864
ISBN 9780357676196
Kategori(er) Skönlitteratur
 ↳ Deckare, thrillers & spänning
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Examine the basic concepts behind today's power systems as well as the tools you need to apply your newly acquired skills to real-world situations with POWER SYSTEM ANALYSIS AND DESIGN, SI, 7th Edition. The latest updates throughout this new edition reflect the most recent trends in the field as the authors highlight key physical concepts with clear explanations of important mathematical techniques. New co-author Adam Birchfield joins this prominent author team with fresh insights into the latest technological advancements. The authors develop theory and modeling from simple beginnings, clearly demonstrating how you can apply the principles you learn to new, more complex situations. New learning objectives and helpful case study summaries help focus your learning, while the updated PowerWorld Simulation works seamlessly with this edition's content to provide hands-on design experience. WebAssign for Glover/Overbye/Sarma's Power System Analysis and Design, SI, 7th Edition, helps you prepare for class with confidence. Its online learning platform for your math, statistics, science and engineering courses helps you practice and absorb what you learn.
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