
Non-Conventional Hybrid Machining Processes : Theory and Practice | 1:a upplagan

av J. Paulo Davim och Rupinder Singh

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Förlag Taylor & Francis Ltd
Språk Engelska
Bandtyp Inbunden
Utgiven 2020-10-30
Upplaga 1
Antal sidor 146
ISBN 9780367139131
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This new book covers process optimization and process capability for hybrid NCMP (nonconventional machining process), and combines NCMP and conventional machining removal processes for various hybridized processes. This book is focused on understanding the basic mechanism of some of the NCMPs for their possible hybridization. This book can be used for the development of a basic framework on hybridization for the selected NCMP. The framework is further strengthened by case studies included in this book. The concept of macro-modeling for NCMP and the framework for the development of industrial standards have been outlined. This book is of interest to researchers and graduate students working in the field of hybrid NCMP, especially for the development of novel processes. Field engineers of NCMP may also use it for further process development. Features: Provides a detailed description of mechanism for different NCMPs for possible hybridization. Includes a case study on mechanism of processes. Offers a systematic approach for understanding NCMP. Covers the issues of process optimization and process capability for hybrid NCMP.
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