
Geography Education in the Digital World : Linking Theory and Practice | 1:a upplagan

av Nicola Walshe och Grace Healy

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Förlag Taylor & Francis Ltd
Språk Engelska
Bandtyp Inbunden
Utgiven 2020-10-08
Upplaga 1
Fler upplagor 2020/1
Antal sidor 192
ISBN 9780367224462
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Geography Education in the Digital World draws on theory and practice to provide a critical exploration of the role and practice of geography education within the digital world. It considers how living within a digital world influences teacher identity and professionalism and is changing young people’s lives. The book moves beyond the applied perspective of educational technology to engage with wider social and ethical issues of technology implementation and use of digital data within geography education. Situated at the intersection between research and practice, chapters draw on a wide range of theory to consider the role, adoption and potential challenges of a range of digital technologies in furthering geographical education for future generations. Bringing together academics from the fields of geography, geography education and teacher education,the bookengages with four key themes within the digital world: Professional practice and personal identities. Geographical sources and connections. Geospatial technologies. Geographical fieldwork. This is a crucial read for geographers, geography educators and geography teacher educators, as well as those engaging with existing and new technologies to support geographical learning in the dynamic context of the digital world. It will also be of interest to any students, academics and policymakers wanting to better understand the impact of digital media on education.
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