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Human Memory | 4:e upplagan

av Gabriel A. Radvansky

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Förlag Taylor & Francis Ltd
Språk Engelska
Bandtyp Inbunden
Utgiven 2021-01-15
Upplaga 4
Fler upplagor 2021/4
Antal sidor 592
ISBN 9780367252915
Kategori(er) Pedagogik & psykologi
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Human Memory, 4th edition provides a comprehensive overview of research and theory on human memory. Written in an engaging style, the book is divided into three sections, providing an accessible introduction to the application and assessment of memory theory. Beginning with the history of memory, the first section explores basic methodology and neuroscience. The second section examines the key topics of memory such as the sensory registers, mechanisms of forgetting and short-term, nondeclarative, episodic, and semantic memory. The third section focuses on specialist topics such as amnesia, memory for space and time, autobiographical memory, memory and reality, memory and the law, metamemory and formal models of memory. Instructors could pick and chose which of these chapters best fit the goals of their course. New to this edition: More prominent discussion of neuroscience findings Coverage of a wider range of neuroscientific techniques Greater emphasis on memory changes over time New explanation of how to calculate a wider range of signal detection measures Additional content on a wide range of topics including the mirror effect, sleep-related memory processes, vicarious autobiographical memories, inter-generational memory transmission, the impact of lying on memory, eyewitness collaboration, and aging and spatial memory. Expanded coverage of areas including theories of hypermnesia, chunking, serial order memory, prospective memory, threshold models, and eyewitness line-up identification Updated companion resources, including PowerPoint slides and exam questions The book highlights the application of memory theory and findings to everyday experience, presents in-depth explorations of studies, and provides opportunities for students to explore the assessment of memory in more laboratory-based settings. Packed full of student-friendly pedagogy including study questions, ‘Stop and Review’ and ‘Try it Out’ sections, ‘Study in Depth’ text boxes, and more, Human Memory 4th edition is an essential companion for all students of human memory.
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