
The Yogas?tra of Patañjali : A New Introduction to the Buddhist Roots of the Yoga System | 1:a upplagan

av Pradeep P. Gokhale

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Förlag Taylor & Francis Ltd
Språk Engelska
Bandtyp Inbunden
Utgiven 2020-05-28
Upplaga 1
Antal sidor 240
ISBN 9780367408985
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This book offers a systematic and radical introduction to the Buddhist roots of Pātañjala-yoga, or the Yoga system of Patañjali. By examining each of 195 aphorisms (sūtras) of theYogasūtra anddiscussingtheYogabhāṣya, it shows that traditional and popular views on Pātañjala-yoga obscure its true nature. The book argues that Patañjali’s Yoga contains elements rooted in both orthodoxandheterodox philosophical traditions, including Sāṅkhya, Jaina and Buddhist thought. With a fresh translation and a detailed commentary ontheYogasūtra, the author unearthshow several of the terms, concepts and doctrinesin Patañjali’s Yoga can be traced to Buddhism, particularly the Abhidharma Buddhism of Vasubandhu and the early Yogācāra of Asaṅga.The work presents theYogasūtraof Patañjali as a synthesis of two perspectives: the metaphysical perspective of Sāṅkhya and the empirical–psychological perspective of Buddhism.Based on a holistic understanding of Yoga, the study explores key themes of the text, such as meditative absorption, means,supernormal powers, isolation,Buddhist conceptions of meditation and theinterplay between Sāṅkhya and Buddhist approaches to suffering and emancipation. It further highlights several new findings and clarifications on textual interpretation and discrepancies. An important intervention in Indian and Buddhist philosophy, this bookopens upa new way of looking at the Yoga of Patañjali in the light of Buddhism beyond standard approaches andwill greatly interest scholars and researchers of Buddhist studies, Yoga studies, Indian philosophy, philosophy in general, literature, religion and comparative studies, Indian and South Asian Studies and the history of ideas.
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