
Digital-Age Resistance : Journalism, Social Movements and the Media Dependence Model | 1:a upplagan

av Andrew Kennis

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Förlag Taylor & Francis Ltd
Språk Engelska
Bandtyp Inbunden
Utgiven 2020-12-10
Upplaga 1
Fler upplagor 2020/1
Antal sidor 392
ISBN 9780367435257
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In this trailblazing book, social movements, the mainstream news media system and public policy are tackled in order to arm readers with an "intellectual self-defense" of the realities of trillion-dollar valued platform conglomerates, the pandemic and the reality television-show-presidency of Donald Trump and its go at a second term. Firmly situated at the intersection between journalism, activism and the deployment of power, the author places his analysis within an international context which further develops a critical paradigm, called the Media Dependence Model (MDM). Featuring a foreword by Daniel and Noam Chomsky and a preface by Robert. W. McChesney, the book offers a cutting-edge overview of the news media landscape both within the U.S. and globally. The MDM critically analyzes dichotomous patterns of mainstream press coverage of the #ClimateStrike, #FamiliesBelongTogether, #EvasiónMasiva (Chile), #FightForHongKong, #RickyRenuncia (Puerto Rico) and #CancelRent movements and the pro-Trump #liberate resistance, contrasting them with social media and other historic movements. "Evergreen" topics such as immigration, climate change and net neutrality are explored on an in-depth basis, along with media reforms and concrete policy solutions. The book straddles disciplines including media, policy and journalism studies, political economy and international and political communication. It is a must-read for scholars, students, policy advisers, media makers, social media enthusiasts, grassroots activists, NGO’s and concerned citizens alike.
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