
Nutritional Strategies for the Diabetic/Prediabetic Patient | 1:a upplagan

av Jeffrey I Mechanick och Elise M. Brett

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Förlag Taylor & Francis Ltd
Språk Engelska
Bandtyp Häftad
Utgiven 2020-09-30
Upplaga 1
Antal sidor 368
ISBN 9780367453848
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While nutrition is central to the management of diabetes, there is no one “diabetic diet”. Nutritional prescriptions depend on the type of diabetes, food preferences, lifestyle, treatment regimen, comorbidities, state of health, and the route of caloric administration. Nutritional Strategies for the Diabetic/Prediabetic Patient is a comprehensive reference aimed at advancing physicians’ knowledge of nutrition in relation to diabetes, allowing them to provide evidence-based recommendations for their diabetic patients. It also provides dietitians and diabetic educators with an in-depth understanding of the pathophysiology and medical treatment of diabetes. Written by scientists, clinicians, registered dietitians, and certified diabetes educators, this book reviews the molecular mechanisms of disease and drug therapy. It also provides recommendations for management with the level of evidence indicated where appropriate. In areas where little research data is available, the editors present recommendations based on extensive clinical experience. The book places particular focus on the synchronization of nutrient intake with medications, and provides unique clinical management tools, along with details of their ability to be replicated for patient use. To facilitate accessibility, it features evidence-based technical reviews of clinical literature and includes numerous tables and figures, with color photos of wound healing stages. Addressing all aspects of nutrition in adult diabetic and prediabetic patients, Nutritional Strategies for the Diabetic/Prediabetic Patient is an important referencefor those concerned with the dietary management of this disease.
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