
Agrifood System Transitions in Brazil : New Food Orders | 1:a upplagan

av Paulo André Niederle och Valdemar João Wesz Junior

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Förlag Taylor & Francis Ltd
Språk Engelska
Bandtyp Inbunden
Utgiven 2020-10-30
Upplaga 1
Antal sidor 240
ISBN 9780367463182
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This book explores the agrifood system transitions in Brazil to provide a new understanding of the trajectory of agriculture and rural development in this country. It accentuates the increasing diversifi cation and hybridization of food production and consumption practices throughout history. With a framework that combines convention theory, neoinstitutional approaches and practice theory, this book suggests the concept of “food orders” which represents different arrangements of practices, institutions andsociotechnical artifacts. By exploring the interrelations between these elements, the book looks at six different food orders: industrial, commercial, domestic, aesthetic, civic and fi nancial, in tandem with examples of practices, sectors and territories to understand the dynamics of each one. This aids in understanding the main tendencies of the agrifood sector in such a vast country that, being a major player in global food markets, also affect production and consumption dynamics in several other countries. Besides, this book also seeks to comprehend the current institutional changes in Brazil that may be critical to interpret the global dissemination of populist and autocratic governments. Offering key insights into the contemporary sociology of agriculture and food, this book demonstrates how strengthening democracy and supporting the organization of civil society are major challenges when we think about transition for sustainable food systems.
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