
Core Questions in Philosophy | 8:e upplagan

av Elliott Sober

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Förlag Taylor & Francis Ltd
Språk Engelska
Bandtyp Inbunden
Utgiven 2021-05-15
Upplaga 8
Fler upplagor 2021/8
Antal sidor 348
ISBN 9780367466282
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Writtten in an engaging lecture-style format, this 8th Edition of Core Questions in Philosophy shows students how philosophy is best used to evaluate many different kinds of arguments and to construct sound theories. Well known historical texts are discussed, not as a means to honor the dead or merely to describewhat various philosophers have thought, but to engage with, criticize, and even improve ideas from the past. In addition—because philosophy cannot function apart from its engagement with the wider society—traditional and contemporary philosophical problems are brought into dialogue with the physical, biological, and social sciences. Text boxes highlight key concepts, and review questions, discussion questions, and a glossary of terms are also included. Core Questions in Philosophy has served as a premier introductory textbook for decades, with updates to each new edition. Key updates to this 8th Edition include: A new chapter, "Probability and Bayes' Theorem." A new explanation of the concept of "soundness," as a useful tool in assessing arguments. A clearer explanation, in the chapter on evolution, of the crucial biological idea that the similarities of different species provide evidence of their common ancestry. A new discussion of evolutionary altruism in the chapter on psychological egoism. A presentation of two interesting arguments from historically important Islamic and Confusian philosophers. Improved clarity and up-dated material from philosophy and empirical research, throughout. Revisions to the online list of recommended resources include: Additional recommendations of supplementary readings, with the inclusion of more work from female philosophers New recommended videos and podcasts, all organized by their relevance to each chapter in the book.
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