
Perspectives on Environmental History in East Asia : Changes in the Land, Water and Air | 1:a upplagan

av Ts'ui-Jung Liu och Micah Muscolino

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Förlag Taylor & Francis Ltd
Språk Engelska
Bandtyp Inbunden
Utgiven 2021-02-28
Upplaga 1
Antal sidor 256
ISBN 9780367473860
Kategori(er) Historia & arkeologi
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This edited volume engages with some of the most dynamic themes in current research on East Asian environmental history, including agricultural science, war and the environment, imperial forestry, oceanic history, and the history of energy. Chapters in this book supply an overview of environmental history as a rapidly expanding field, continuing to generate valuable insights into the mutually constitutive relationship between human societies and the biophysical environment. The book is divided into three parts: Part I consists of three chapters related to land use, whilst Part II includes five chapters that focus on water, a topic of perennial concern among environmental historians of East Asia, especially as it relates to the irrigation, food production, and marine fisheries. Part III consists of two chapters, discussing the impact of new technologies on air quality, in addition to the history of energy in East Asia, which has emerged as an important area of inquiry at the intersection between both environmental history and the history of science and technology. Changes in the Land, Water, and Air: Perspectives on Environmental History in East Asia will appeal to students and scholars of East Asian studies, environmental history and environmental sciences.
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