
Behavioural Dynamics at the Workplace : A Guide to Introspect, Practice and Transform | 1:a upplagan

av Umashankar K och Charitra H G

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Förlag Taylor & Francis Ltd
Språk Engelska
Bandtyp Inbunden
Utgiven 2020-11-24
Upplaga 1
Fler upplagor 2020/1
Antal sidor 238
ISBN 9780367480790
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This book offers strategies and effective ways for professional improvement in the workplace. It focuses on behavioural dynamics in a work environment, and offers perspectives on self-assessment, critical thinking, experiential learning, stress management and information processing. The book discusses concepts like self-image and self-concept which have been aligned with professional excellence and provides a psychoanalytic and theoretical understanding of organizational dynamics, individual and group behaviour, and the expectations of the contemporary corporate world. Through case studies, stories, helpful questionnaires and guides, the volume offers tools and practical solutions for young professionals to develop essential skills to thrive in their careers. It also highlights the importance of effective listening, communication, and identifying cognitive, behavioural and transpersonal patterns for professional and personal development. Insightful and detailed, the book is an essential read for students and professionals in the field of management, business communication, human resource, and behavioural psychology. It will also be of great use to young professionals working in various sectors who are interested in learning about organizational dynamics.
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