
Political Branding : More Than Parties, Leaders and Policies | 1:a upplagan

av Bruce I. Newman och Christopher Pich

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Förlag Taylor & Francis Ltd
Språk Engelska
Bandtyp Inbunden
Utgiven 2020-11-30
Upplaga 1
Antal sidor 174
ISBN 9780367492274
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This book demonstrates the progress that has been made on political branding research across international contexts. It focuses on the critical application of new concepts and frameworks, generating a deeper understanding of unexplored settings and positioning research from multiple perspectives. It is important to consider different typologies of international political brands particularly as we have witnessed huge changes across political landscapes from Brexit, the rise of President Trump, the surge in populism and the development of sustainable-climate change movements. Given that there are many potential typologies and non-traditional political brands, this volume investigates different typologies and alternative political brands with the support of new and under-developed theoretical lens from multiple perspectives and contexts. These include Canada, Iceland, India, Indonesia and the United States of America. This book provides areas of reflection and explicit calls for further research, which in turn will advance insight into political brands and enhance our understanding of political marketing in action. This is a must-read guide for setting out the implications of theory and practice for multiple stakeholders including political marketers, political scientists, politicians, political party organizers, brand managers and scholars across a wide range of social science disciplines. The chapters in this book were originally published as a special issue of the Journal of Political Marketing.
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